Workforce Development

Prepare Your Workforce for Tomorrow

Attention business leaders, talent development managers, and HR professionals: let’s unite for success! Avila University offers a diverse range of programs to enhance your business, empower leaders, and nurture your workforce for a prosperous future. From onboarding to career advancement, we’re committed to boosting confidence and ambition. As your trusted development partner, we provide skill enhancement workshops and customized curriculum to address your organization’s unique upskilling needs. Large enterprises value our comprehensive solutions, while smaller businesses appreciate our collaborative approach. Together, let’s unleash your team’s full potential.

Workforce Development Academy at Avila University logo

What is involved in the process?

We complete a comprehensive analysis of your needs, present a proposal filled with solutions, and collaborate with you to launch a strategy that works for your people. Then we survey the participants and leaders to ensure we hit our targets, and present those results back to you.

What does this relationship look like?

It looks like a partnership that focuses on your goals, while taking a lot of work off your plate. You’ll have one point of contact and the ability to meet all the facilitators before their sessions with your team so those lines of communication are always open.

What kinds of solutions are available?

We customize everything for you.  From workshops, to full degree programs… together we will determine the route toward successful learning for your people.  Here is just a short list of the types of plans your people will love:

Lunch-n-learn Series

A series of short 40-minute workshops conducted either remotely (synchronously) or in-person.  These are non-credit workshops, and may qualify as CEU/PDU hours.


A collection of college credit courses, offered online or in-person, and co-branded.  Courses are for-credit.  See a list of our current certificate offerings through Avila’s Institute here (hyperlink)

Training Workshop Series

A series of workshops that meet once a week for 3-4 weeks, for 90 minutes either remotely (synchronously) or in-person.  These are non-credit workshops, and may also qualify as CEU/PDU hours.

Degree Program

A full program for those employees who wish to work together to complete a bachelor or master degree together as a cohort.  Courses are for-credit and can be customized to be facilitated online or in person.

What kinds of topics are trending in business?

While every organization has their own strengths and opportunities, we generally hear from our partners that soft skills (we call them power skills) like communication, critical thinking, collaboration, problem solving and presentation skills are in high demand. 

Here are some workshop titles that we’re currently offering through the Workforce Development Academy @ Avila University:

  • Leading Remote Employees: Communication and Accountability
  • Resiliency: Overcoming Obstacles and Tackling Stress
  • Effective Listening for Workplace Results
  • Conversations that Work: Disciplinary Discussions and Providing Effective Feedback
  • Emotional Intelligence: Leading with Empathy
  • Development Dialogue: Giving and Accepting Constructive Critique
  • Less is More: Concise Writing for Maximum Impact
  • Leadership Styles: Identifying Yours and Working with Others
  • Building Relationships and Earning Trust
  • Conflict Resolution in the Workplace
  • Setting Standards for Inclusivity: Acceptable Bystander Intervention
  • Why it Matters: The Impact of Prioritizing Inclusion
  • Persuasive Presentations: Promoting Your Idea
  • Leadership Mindset and Practice
  • Minimalism and Simplicity: A Mindset for Personal and Professional Clarity
  • Critical Thinking as a Practice: Generating Solutions
  • Designing Your Online Brand: Leveraging Your Web Presence
  • Collaboration in the Workplace: Seeking Talents of Others
  • Critical Thinking as a Practice: Generating Solutions
  • Digital Storytelling

See something missing?

All our talent development partnerships are customized, so when we learn more about the outcomes you’re seeking, we’ll create something for you with our long list of experienced professionals who specialize in many areas.

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